Across the planet, we are all doing our daily examination of how to manage this new COVID-19 reality and its limitations. Though this Global pandemic treats us all the same, we aren’t all equipped to deal with it equally.


Tanzania is a place with weak and sometimes non-existent social services. Abject poverty and hunger are accepted norms. We refuse to comply with that belief and work daily to help people emerge from those perceptions. At this time, those scarcities are growing. We have been adjusting our attention to help fight this growing issue. With partners like you, we have been able to quickly generate new projects so that Tanzanian families aren’t left defenseless.


Thankfully our team is filled with generous listeners and intuitive people on both sides of the world – those in the field and our family of givers. In December 2019 we requested funding for a greenhouse from one of our corporate sponsors. We thought it would be incredibly helpful to have seed germination for both our reforestation & sustainable agriculture efforts. The 100’ long building even harvests the rain. When an inch of rain falls on the greenhouse we harvest 1495 gallons of water to irrigate the plants inside!


In February 2020, our team who runs the farm went into overdrive. Production of pots made from banana leaves became a priority and heirloom seeds were procured. We shifted our priorities to feeding people and giving them the education and wherewithal to feed and protect themselves. Months later the greenhouse resembles a jungle, brimming with edible plants. Distribution of food and seedlings are going out to families in need, along with soap and a “Keep Safe during Covid-19” comic book style manual.


It became very clear that replicating the greenhouse in multiple communities would increase our reach and help even more families in need. We have 115 trained gardeners ready to take on the task. Most of them are single mothers and know what it is to struggle for food and safety. This expansion is the focus of our ‘call to action’ right now.


Your support offers so many a ladder out of this COVID mess. And so little goes so far.  Our new greenhouse program offers a family the ability to sustain their own food security for just $50. We are beyond grateful to our corporate partners who continue to allow 100% of your contribution to be directed to helping Tanzanians need. To all of our supporters who make it a priority to help people they don’t know on the other side of the world, we are so thankful. Your goodness gives those with less the ability to fight this common enemy, that is currently fighting us all.


We wish you all blessings of health and safety.