Walk in the footsteps of a young girl who followed a herd of elephants to find her new home.

On this journey, she learns about the importance of trees and the choices of her people.

Learn about the young girl, Omega’s story

She followed the elephants. She walked in the herd’s path. She carried her life with her. Omega Mevaashi found her new home along the way. It was “a big land,” she said, with big trees and big animals. Everything was big because everything could grow. The ground was rich. The rains fell.

More and more people followed the elephants, followed Omega. They brought more and more cows. They cut down more and more trees. The elephants traveled on. Beans and maize sprouted in the grooves dug by their weight.

Omega, now 70, remembers 10 abundant harvests. It took a decade, she said, before people exhausted this earth. Ten years before the rains became irregular. Read more of Omega’s story


2023-05-24T09:06:02-08:00November 28, 2021|
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